Tuesday, October 23, 2012

well, it's been a while

I don't really remember the last time that I kept an online journal ... probably college and that's been, well, a while ago... so we will see how this goes...

I have the worst sleep
habits now, I blame the pain medication that I take but I know it has just as much to do with my brain going a zillion miles
per hour as anything... and the marines are out some where on post playing with large bang bangs... if that doesn't wake me the dog freakin out about it certainly will....

my baby just turned 1... OMG I have a one yr old... I never even thought I would have a child, now I can't imagine my life without him... he is my heart and soul...

I don't imagine that someone without a child can understand how much such a small person can impact your life. it truly changes everything - but I wouldn't have it any other way :-)

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Seay St,Fort Bragg,United States

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